Disaster Response

Fast Flow Pumps provides a wide range of hydraulic submersible pump systems for disaster response pumping, available and ready to ship now. Fast Flow Pumps are reliable submersible pumps, with a relatively small size for the volume of fluid pumped. The portable 3″ pumps can maintain a flow rate of up to 600GPM, and the 4″ durable ductile iron or 27% chromium pumps can pump up to 1100GPM. They do not have mechanical seals, bearings, or internal wear parts allowing them to run dry indefinitely. 

Hurricane Preparedness Pumping
Hurricane Response
Disaster Flood Response Pumping
River Flooding
Flood Response Pumping
Coastal Flooding

In a disaster, a good pump can be critical. Look no further: Fast Flow Pumps are lightweight, portable, easy to maintain, and cost-effective.

Disaster Response Pumping

Hurricane Response Pumping

There is a drilling waste processing plant on the Gulf Coast, and before Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005, they called Fast Flow to prepare the facility for the potential flooding. Fast Flow installed a diesel HPU on high ground and placed a 3″ Fast Flow Pump inside the containment walls of the drilling waste processing plant. During the hurricane, seawater came over the 7′ containment wall. The system ran unattended continuously for 36 hours before being shut down. The Fast Flow Pump successfully handled the storm surge flooding and saved expensive electrical equipment from salt water. Fast Flow pumps can run dry for long periods of time without damage and handle shock loading with sudden pumping demand, distinguishing it from other pumps.  For hours before and after the storm, the system ran dry. During the storm, the Fast Flow equipment was constantly shock loaded with varying demand, and managed to save the plant from flooding, averting disaster. Of the five plants they operate on the Gulf Coast affected by Hurricane Katrina, the only one that remained operational was the one protected by Fast Flow Pumps.